Written by 2024 Unit Leader, Olivia Camilli

Campers come tomorrow and we are beyond excited to see them! We have been doing staff training for the last two weeks. We had amazing training sessions, everything from how to support campers to how to make summer more fun. Staff Training is a careful balance between skill building, physical set-up, practicing daily and weekly routines, and group bonding. We’ve had time to prepare both ourselves and the property for the campers! 

As seen in our recent Instagram post (do you follow @campnorwester ?), staff love staff training for a variety of reasons but predominantly for building connections with friends and coworkers. 

Staff training is great, but we’re also extremely excited for campers to come!  As staff training comes to a close, staff are excited to see their campers that make them laugh, to see what they’re excited for, their engagement with the camp community, and how they make the summer fun and exciting for everyone!   

Here’s to a summer as magical as staff training has been!