We’ve reached the last few days of staff training, which means our First Session campers arrive in less than 48 hours! The excitement level is high on Johns Island, and preparations are in full swing.

A staff member in a climbing helmet afixes a climbing hold to the climbing wall

Setting up and safety-testing the climbing wall routes is an important task for the ropes staff.

Our department staff are putting the final touches on their program areas in anticipation of campers being here for activities very soon. Our department heads are conducting safety audits and skills verifications among their staff. Crews of other staff are continuing to put up tipis, distribute bedframes and mattresses, and clear the trails with woodchippers and weedwhackers.

Colorful skeins of yarn displayed within wooden cubbies

All sections of the Craft Shop are being cleaned, organized, and inventoried by staff, including the yarn and fiber area.

Unit leaders have been reviewing their camper information packets and meeting with our nursing and head counselor teams. They have also scheduled the first week of activities for their units so that campers have their first few days already mapped out when they arrive. (Starting with the second week of the session, campers get to offer their own input to their unit leaders about which activities they’d like to visit.)

A staff member hangs a metal saw on the wooden wall of the woodshop

The woodshop is another area of the Craft Shop that is being prepped for campers’ arrival.

All in all, it’s a very busy time on Johns Island! We can’t wait to welcome our First Session campers on Monday afternoon for what we know will be a fantastic four weeks at Camp!

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