As the sun set on the final night of First Session, there was a whirlwind of emotions. From the thrill of conquering challenges together to the laughter echoing through the woods, each moment has woven itself into the fabric of unforgettable memories. Those memories are cemented by the final days of camp, occupied by the Olympic Games, Salmon Bake, Art Night, a final Chapel, Banquet, Packing Day, and the All-Camp Dance.

Explorers and Troubadours arrive to Banquet

Saying goodbye is never easy, but with each hug and promise to see each other next summer, there is a profound gratitude; gratitude for the laughter, the growth, and the friendships that have enriched our lives. The meaning of Nor’wester is probably best exemplified by the words of this summer’s Olympic Games Captains. 

The final Chapel of the session is led by Blue and Red team leadership

“Being in this unique place for a month each summer has made me a better person. I know that I will be celebrated for my achievements and guided through my mistakes (and I definitely made a lot of those).” – Hadley, Blue Team Captain.

Explorers and Archers worked together to make decor for the banquet tables

The Blue Team arrives in full force for their cheer

“Now, as camp for me is coming to a close, I have things I want to tell everyone coming back next year:

  • Cherish your unit mates and always forgive them; it will be hard, but it’s for the better for the rest of the unit and for the rest of the summer. 
  • Live in the moment. Take time to step back when you’re having a great time and realize how it makes you feel. 
  • Bring lots of cameras, and take pictures of great times to remember them.
  •  Make a group chat to talk to your unit mates outside of camp. 
  • Try your hardest at everything; push yourself and others to do so as well. 
  • Be kind and respectful. Sometimes, it’s hard to be a nice person, but I promise you, once you step back and try, it will be so much better for everyone. 
  • And finally, always bring your sleeping pad. Trust me, it’s not worth it.” – Lloyd, Red Team Captain

Red Team creativity and enthusiasm really showed in their cheers

Rangers and Foresters work together to set the Lodge up for Banquet

“For those who have been here for eight years, or if this is your first, I’m sure we all share the same experience of wanting to share camp with friends and family. It is something that should be so easy, yet I find it impossible. How do I explain to everyone that camp isn’t just a month full of fun activities and downtime but a life-changing experience and a place to learn and grow as a person? On Johns, you meet incredible people, and in one brief month, you make memories you’ll never forget, as well as friendships you’ll never lose. It’s also the perfect place to be yourself.” – Harlan, Blue Team Captain

Mountaineers and Troubadours listen to their unit mates give speeches after Banquet

“I’ve done so many amazing things; I’ve learned how to sail and backpacked in the North Cascades. I learned how to use a WhisperLite, and I’ve paddled a Haida canoe. All these experiences have been ones that I’ll never forget, but the most incredible piece of camp has revolved around the people. When I say I have my best friends on this island, I mean it. We’ve watched each other grow up.” – Siena, Red Team Captain

Archers and Mountaineers arrive to Banquet

“Love is real, and it’s here; it’s in the people, songs, dances, and even in the staff yelling “walk” when the seconds door opens on Killer Mac night.” – Hadley, Blue Team Captain

To our campers, we say thank you for a fantastic First Session, and we’ll see you next time on Johns!

Red and Blue mascots at Chapel