It was a night filled with stars here at Camp on Sunday, with a very special, once-a-session dramatic and musical event called Opry House supplementing our weekly Musicales. We’re so lucky to have so many talented campers who choose to share their gifts with the whole community!

Masked campers wearing costumes flank the staff drama instructor who stands on stage behind a music stand

Our drama instructor, Maxius (center), with the help of some of the camper performers, led the audience in singing showtunes and Disney songs between acts at Opry House.

Opry House, established several years ago by a former drama instructor, is an evening that showcases the theatrical talents of our campers and staff. Our current drama instructor and young dramatists have worked diligently for the past three weeks preparing skits and monologues for the event. In between acts, everyone in the audience sang along to several beloved showtunes and Disney songs. In addition, several of the acts requested audience participation in making suggestions for their improv skits, and campers responded enthusiastically, proposing some very silly premises which led to hilarious scenes!

A masked camper wearing a colorful robe and long gloves stands onstage under a strand of fairy lights while other campers raise their hands in the foreground

Audience participation made the skits even more fun!

All of our Opry House performers drew wild applause from the audience for their comedic, improvisational, musical, and dramatic stylings, and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the show. Next up for performance opportunities: Coffee House (for the six oldest units) and Cascade Games skits!

Campers wearing masks link arms in the darkness under a string of fairy lights

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