During Second Session, Tuesday nights are overnight nights!

overnight site map

Many of our on-property overnight sites become some of our campers’ most beloved spots on the island.

One of the key tenets of the Nor’wester experience is our overnights program. Once a week, everyone packs up and heads out for a one- or two-night excursion with their unit. Some hike, some bike, some paddle, and some take camp boats or ferries to reach their destinations. This week, a few units struck out for overnight sites on other islands, including Stuart and Orcas. Our youngest campers remained on camp property for their overnights, but they still got the opportunity to camp out at secluded spots separate from main camp for an intimate evening with their unit.

tarp shelter building

Tarp shelter building is an essential overnight skill.

During the overnights, campers learn vital camping and outdoor living skills that build on themselves as participants progress through their years at camp. From building a one-match campfire to constructing tarp shelters to cooking delicious meals over an open fire (or sometimes a camp stove), the hands-on lessons to be learned and practiced during overnights are numerous. Additionally, the conceptual lessons of environmental stewardship, low-impact (Leave No Trace) use of land and resources, and efficient and prepared packing, planning, traveling, and navigation are presented and emphasized so that they will stick with campers long after they leave camp.

overnight fire cooking

Pita pizzas are a favorite overnight menu item!

Just as the skills introduced and practiced during the trips build on themselves as campers progress through the program, so the overnight experiences themselves are intentionally graduated. The skills and confidence developed during overnights equip our oldest units to embark on four- and five-night trips. These Big Trips and Little Big Trips are often the highlight of campers’ careers at camp. And our oldest campers will be the first to point out that the skills they utilize during these trips are ones they learned and honed throughout the years as younger campers going on weekly overnights with their units!

overnights hammock fun

There’s plenty of time for bonding and fun during overnights!

Big Trips return to camp tomorrow, and we’re excited to hear all about their outcamp adventures! Meanwhile, we’re celebrating the outdoor living successes of our younger units. There’s still one more overnight left in Second Session!