The Camp Nor’wester trip program is a core part of our summer camp experience. Each session, campers in the eight oldest units (Voyageur/Forester and above) get the opportunity to venture out on four and five-day trips. Big Trips are five days long, and Little Big Trips are four days. Trips are among the few times the campers from several units get to mix for extended periods.

This year, the Big Trips included Hunt Canoeing, Bike Touring, Backpacking, Sailing, and Mountaineering on Mt. Baker. The Little Big Trips included Kayaking, Sailing, Backpacking, Rock Climbing, Environmental Stewardship Service, and Bike Touring. 

Each trip provides a unique opportunity for challenge, growth, and fun.

Campers are part of the trip process from beginning to end. At the start of the session, we hold trip planning evenings where groups meet to plan and write their itinerary, create a menu, and discuss camper leadership roles and responsibilities while out on trips.

On Packing Day, groups discuss what gear they need, learn to pack their bags properly, go through the food they are bringing, check in with nurses, and learn the safety skills required before departing. Packing Day is always filled with lots of anticipation and excitement. 

Departure Day often brings an early morning as trips wake before the rest of camp to catch a ferry or tide. Once trips are off, the rest of Camp waits in anticipation for their return and the stories they will bring.

Trips return between lunch and dinner, excited to see friends and share their experiences. The post-trip dinner is a joyous occasion, generally followed by zealous singing. 

We want campers to share the stories from their trips in their own voices, and perhaps they already have today during Visitors’ Day. A few highlights included Baker summiting, sailing every day on the Little Big and Big trips, navigating some challenging conditions in the kayaks, beach clean-ups on the Service Trip, and much more.