You’re Invited!

Celebrate 90 Years of San Juan Spirit at Camp Nor’wester
In honor of nine decades of community, adventure, and love we have organized two events this year. Anyone within the Camp Nor’wester community is invited to join us. Details about each event are below.

90th Anniversary Party- Seattle
April 26, 2025
Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center
5011 Bernie Whitebear Way
Join us in Seattle for an afternoon and evening of memories, great food, dancing, singing, and more!
Tickets are $60 for adults, $40 for kids under 12, and free for children under 3.
Because we want anyone within the community who is interested in attending to be able to do so, there is also an option to help supplement the cost of attendance for others.
If you are interested in volunteering for a reduced ticket cost, please contact
Labor Day Weekend 90th Celebration - Johns Island
August 29-September 1
Spend the weekend at Camp connecting with friends new and old. You’ll have the opportunity to relive your camper days, participate in activities, perform during a campfire or Musicale, and appreciate the nature of the islands.
Come for the full three nights or stay for two!
Tickets include transportation, meals, and lodging. If you are interested in attending please carefully review various options for transportation and stay length.
Attendance options and ticket prices are as follows:
3 Nights - Friday 8/29 to Monday 9/1: $495 for adults and children 7 and older, $325 for children under 7
2 Nights - Friday 8/29 to Sunday 8/31: $450 for adults and children 7 and older, $300 for children under 7
2 Nights - Saturday 8/30 to 9/1: $450 for adults and children 7 and older, $300 for children under 7
All tickets are round trip transportation to and from the same location - either Skyline Marina in Anacortes, WA or Roche Harbor on San Juan Island, WA.
If you are considering private transportation to and from Johns Island, please contact
Because we want anyone within the community who is interested in attending to be able to do so, there is also an option to help supplement the cost of attendance for others.
If you are interested in volunteering for a reduced ticket cost, please contact