A Day in the Life at Camp Nor’wester

Every day is the best day at camp
While each day in the four week session brings something new, there's a steady rhythm that helps guide us throughout. We follow a routine for most days, with a predictable schedule that keeps everyone engaged and connected. The structure of camp life is something that many grow to love and miss once the session ends, but there are also plenty of days that break from the routine and offer unique experiences.
Take a look below to see what a typical day looks like, giving you a feel for the rhythm of life at camp.
While the typical day described above is a big part of camp life, each four-week session is full of other exciting events that make every session unique! Special event days like Island Fair Day and full camp games at the end of each session bring everyone together for extra fun. Weekly traditions like Anchor Day—a more restful day that bring the camp community together—and unit overnights offer opportunities to connect and experience camp in new ways.