What do stairs, gravel, benches, grass, and tipis all have in common? They all represent projects completed by the fantastic group of volunteers who participated in our June Work Weekend here at Camp!

About thirty Camp-loving volunteers arrived on Johns Island last weekend, excited to reconnect with Nor’wester and one another. Not only that, but they were ready to work! Our spring Work Weekends focus on preparation and improvement projects that get Camp in ship-shape for the summer. And we had plenty of projects in store for the June volunteers who came to pour their hearts and efforts into the upcoming Camp season.

Gravel spreading at the June Work Weekend

Spreading beach rocks and gravel outside the entrance to the new office building.

We had crews collecting and delivering beach gravel to pave all the entrances to the new office, while other volunteers completed a beautiful rebuild of the stairs leading down to the Waterfront. A handful of intrepid weed-whackers mowed acres of grass across the property as a few dedicated painters repainted twelve benches the traditional Lodge-red color. Last but certainly not least were several groups of tipi-pitchers, who pitched an impressive total of thirty-one tipis!

Tipi pitching

Pitching staff tipis along Mission Point.

Along with all the hard work came a whole lot of fun. Crews joked and laughed together as they worked. Old pals and new friends found points of connection as they swapped stories and shared Nor’wester memories. Everyone pitched in to prepare and enjoy delicious meals together in the Lodge, and in the evenings former Camp Director Paul Henriksen led the group in singing songs from the Nor’wester songbook around the campfire. Afterwards, everyone crawled into their sleeping bags on the Lodge porch, tired yet happy to sleep out together under the stars.

New Waterfront stairs

Beautiful rebuilt Waterfront stairs!

All in all, we couldn’t have asked for a better start to the summer. The preparations here on Johns continue as staff and camper arrivals draw nearer, but our wonderful Work Weekend volunteers are truly the ones who make the pre-Camp set-up a success. Our thanks to a marvelous crew, and we invite you to join us here at Camp for another Work Weekend in the future!