Happy Independence Day! Camp celebrated the Fourth yesterday with special activities all day long. In the morning, red and blue berries accompanied Camp’s traditional Independence Day treat of fresh-out-of-the-oven cinnamon rolls. Following breakfast, our music staff directed the whole Lodge in singing “This Land is Your Land” as we formed an all-camp parade from our tables down to the Lodge steps. The camper color guard then led us in a flag-raising ceremony and singing the national anthem.

Color guard flag ceremony

Our camper color guard led the whole Camp in the presentation of our national colors and in singing the national anthem.

Next came the morning activities: pie baking, milk carton boat building, sign painting, and booth construction. So much creative prep work went into ensuring that the afternoon events would be memorable!

camper with berry pie

Some delicious – and unique – pies were debuted at our Fourth of July celebration!

The afternoon kicked off with our annual Fourth of July Fun Run: some ran, some walked, some danced, some skipped, some hopped, and one camper even crawled! All the participants completed the mile-long course to wild applause and the refreshing snack of chilled watermelon slices. Then it was time to head down to the waterfront for the kayak race and the milk carton boat regatta. Everyone cheered on the determined paddlers and the plucky milk carton boats, after which we all enjoyed some beach time together.

kayak celebrants

Our exuberant paddlers completed a thrilling kayak race down on South Beach.

Following dinner and singing, the whole camp adjourned to Mission Point where campers had set up booths of all kinds for the Fourth of July Carnival. Each unit developed a unique theme for their booth and advertised with bright signs and catchy slogans. There were opportunities to adopt a rock, “get married,” go fishing, have your palm read, receive a massage, get free advice, and more. The imagination displayed by our campers was impressive!

Troubadours Fourth of July

The Troubadours poured their hearts into cheering on their milk carton boat!

As the sun set behind Vancouver Island, Carnival came to a close. It was time to take down the booths and call it a night. We all returned to our tipis tired but elated – there’s nothing like celebrating the Fourth of July at Camp!

Voyageurs Fourth of July

Sending Independence Day smiles and warm wishes from all of us here at Camp!